Sarah recommends ...

4 tips and healthcare giveaways to get patients into a routine

Routine care, screenings and immunizations play a crucial role in reducing the risk of illness. These 4 t...

Shaun describes ...

4 tips and healthcare giveaways to get patients into a routine – Canada

Routine care plays a role in reducing many types of illnesses and disabilities. These 4 tips and healthca...

Molly shares ...

4 ways to help patients remember post-visit instructions

The moment a patient walks out the door, they tend to forget 40 to 80 percent of the information given to...

Whitney recommends ...

4 Ways to help patients remember post-visit instructions – Canada

You can help patients retain their post-visit instructions with these simple tips. Use some healthcare pr...

Cory writes ...

6 ways to promote your donation page

Fundraising dollars allow your organization to do good in your community. We share 6 ways to ask for dona...