Amy shares ...

5 creative ways to use pen giveaways

Pen giveaways top the list of useful promotional products. Get ideas on using them for employee training,...

Mark digs ...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Phone Etiquette in the Workplace

The phone is still the preferred method of contact for most businesses. Ensure you deliver a seamless cus...

Amanda recommends ...

5 positive conflict resolution strategies

Unresolved conflict wreaks havoc on employee health, morale and productivity. Check out these tips to res...

Matt suggests ...

How training giveaways can help with conflict resolution strategies – Canada

Unresolved conflict wreaks havoc on employee health, morale and productivity. Check out these tips that c...

Gail digs ...

3 Ways to Improve Digital Communication – Canada

Technology has made communicating with clients and coworkers easy. Learn a few important digital communic...

Meghan describes ...

3 Ways to Improve Digital Communication

Stay connected to clients and coworkers using these helpful digital communication tips and tech giveaways...

Amy writes ...

Your timeline to planning a successful trade show exhibit – Canada

Are you planning to exhibit your business or services at a show in the near future? Set up for success wi...

Tiffany discusses ...

Your timeline to planning a successful trade show exhibit

Are you planning to exhibit your business or services at a show in the near future? Set up for success wi...

Tiffany shares ...

Latest issue of amplify® highlights survey results on teamwork and training

The Winter 2018 issue of amplify® is filled ideas that will help bring your company together.

Amie writes ...

Recognize employees who put safety first

Encourage participation by implementing safety recognition ideas and rewarding those who excel in cautiou...

Effective change-management techniques for your organization

Change is inevitable, but it can also be stressful and expensive. Manage any changes going on in your com...

Mary suggests ...

Training giveaways and games to keep your audience’s attention

Keep training sessions, presentations and other times you are addressing an audience engaging by bringing...

How thought leadership and training giveaways can build your business

In-person presentations, webinars and training giveaways are great ways to show thought leadership. Thoug...

Dan suggests ...

amplify: Learning blocks

Wondering how to break down the barriers to learning? These techniques and training swag will help you ge...

Listen up! Tips and training giveaways to master effective listening.

Effective listening improves communication, rapport and retention. Promote better communication among tea...

Foster a successful environment with personal and professional development

Build up employees with professional opportunities and personal development gifts—they set a strong fou...

Alexis recommends ...

amplify: Lean in to listen

Effective listening training is on the rise. See how training giveaways can build better listeners to imp...

Zach suggests ...

amplify: Developing star performers

Do you want more engaged employees? See how learning opportunities and professional development gifts hel...

Customer education—the marketing strategy that makes the grade

Education is a powerful way to market. Offer your customers a chance to learn and enjoy major benefits. U...

How to hold more productive meetings

Get more done in less time. Our latest Blue Papers® edition provides tips on how to hold more productive...

How to help employees transition from peer to team leader

In this edition of our Blue Papers®, we share the benefits of having an employee transition from peer to...

Sam recommends ...

Learn from your employees with company giveaways

Finding educational opportunities can be as simple as looking to your staff members. We offer tips and co...

Matt writes ...

Learn from your employees with company giveaways – Canada

Learning from your staff can create educational opportunities for your organization and its team. We shar...

Tiffany discusses ...

What is upskilling? – Canada

Upskilling is teaching current employees new skills to better prepare them for future positions. We share...

Elizabeth writes ...

What is upskilling?

Upskilling is training your employees to be ready for your industry's future. We share tips to help teamm...